Helping Educators Earn Credits in the Comfort and Privacy of Their Own Homes

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Not All Courses are Offered at All Intermediate Units. However, all Intermediate Units offer PDE approved CPE credits.

Central IU 10- If Your IU Cancels a Course, Sign up here! They ALWAYS Run!

Montgomery County IU 23 - This IU offers four of our courses as GRADUATE CREDIT from Immaculatta College!

Bucks County IU 22

Allegheny IU 3

Midwestern IU 4

IU 8

Berks IU 14

Colonial IU 20

CLIU 21 - All Courses Are Offered Here But They Fill Up Quickly

Delaware County IU 25- Some Courses are Offered for Graduate Credit Here

Beaver Valley IU 27

Schuylkill IU 29

A Link to a Map of All Pa Intermediate Units

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I found this course  be very worthwhile.  You do it on your inyour own time and ot os filled with alot of useful information.
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Available Courses

  • Course Overview: Digital Natives have taken over the classroom. What are we going to do about it? This course will explain why and how Educators must adapt. It will also help the modern educator deal with the stress of teaching and your workload to avoid burnout and maximize enjoyment!
  • Course Overview: Learn how to help foster student self esteem to increase achievement, beat bullying and improve the classroom environment.
  • This Online 3 credit course will help you learn how to deal with any parent. You will learn how to diffuse anger as well as inspire action. Become proactive in your communication and hold students as well as parents accountable. The course is designed as a self paced distance learning module. You can learn from the comfort and privacy of your own home. You will be required to read books and articles, watch videos, provide written responses as well as write a brief essay at the culmination of class. If you want to learn how to talk to parents then this is the course for you!
  • Everyone knows Bullying is an issue. Hopefully you haven't been forced to deal with it. But you can't just sit on the sidelines and wait for the worst to happen. No! You must take this course so that you can be counted as one of the many who are fighting against bullying in our schools! The course is designed as a self paced distance learning module. You can learn from the comfort and privacy of your own home. You will be required to read books and articles, watch videos, provide written responses as well as write a brief essay at the culmination of class.
  • Course Overview Learn why, when and how to use a Moodle site to enhance student achievement. The Major Objective of this class is for you to have a Moodle site up and running while earning your 3 credits.
  • The Shoa or Nazi Holocaust was a terrible and tragic event in modern history. 6 Million Jews and roughly 6 million other people were wiped out from the face of the Earth during this time. This course is designed to honor their memories while we remember so that the phrase, "Never Again" can be true.

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Online CPE Courses Helping Educators Earn Credits in the Comfort and Privacy of Their Own Homes.
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