Sunday, 19 May 2024, 02:39 PM

Site: Helping Educators Earn Credits in the Comfort and Privacy of Their Own Homes
Course: Helping Educators Earn Credits in the Comfort and Privacy of Their Own Homes (CPE Associates/Josh Stein Online)
Glossary: Add a Testimonial About These Classes
What a great way to earn three credits!
This was a good class to introduce you to moodle and was clear enought that by the time the class was over I had my own moodle set up.  I plan on taking some more online courses next summer.
This course gives you a great overall view of the main types of technology that you can use with your students.  Great class!
I have been taking the online class, "Building Self-Esteem in the Classroom to Achieve Success, Beat Bullying, and to Foster a Positive Learning Environment."  I decided to take this particular class because the subject matter is extremely relevant in today's classroom setting, plus I thought it would be a great learning tool for helping to better mangage my students in the Kindergarten classroom. The most important message I've learned from the articles, videos and book I read, "Six Pillars of Self-Esteem", is that when children have a positive self-esteem at an early age, there are significant benefits.  These benefits include more achievement, physically healthy, peaceful, high productivity, less aggression, and overall increase in well-being.  As a classroom teacher and a role model, it is my responsibility to foster these strengths in my classroom, and, at the same time, work on building up my own self-esteem. As Tony Robbins said in the video, we all need to work on our "emotional fitness" in order to cope in today's world.  I would highly recommend this class for any teacher or educator who needs guidance and inspiration from self-esteem experts, to help deal with students and prevent bullying in their classroom.      
This is a great course that really gets you thinking! This course proved how important a teacher really is and how much influence you can have on your students.
I found this course  be very worthwhile.  You do it on your inyour own time and ot os filled with alot of useful information.
I have learned a lot about how to create Moodles. I look forward to implementing this with my students this year.

Great course!  I have a better understanding of self-esteem and bullying now. I am excited to use my new knowledge and resources with my students!

I needed something to push me into the 21st century, and this course reviewed the basics in setting the stage for using the technology as well as clearly and patiently giving the resources for developing a moodle. I never thought I had the skill or technological intelligence to develop a moodle, but sure enough I now have one up and running! In the meantime I have had some good thoughts and revelations about how I want my classes to run. Thank you!
This class is not only very interesting, its extremely important to educators! Anyone who takes this class is going to be capable of implementing activities and instruction in the classroom that will help students be emotionally stronger, and have a more positive self-esteem. I highly recommend it!