Thursday, 2 May 2024, 11:37 PM

Site: Helping Educators Earn Credits in the Comfort and Privacy of Their Own Homes
Course: Helping Educators Earn Credits in the Comfort and Privacy of Their Own Homes (CPE Associates/Josh Stein Online)
Glossary: Add a Testimonial About These Classes



"I enjoyed the class thoroughly!"

Carolyn Gardner


You will leave this class with a wealth of information on self-esteem and bullying that is relevant to students at any grade level.  The class can easily fit into a busy schedule and allows you to work at your own pace. 

This class is great for someone who likes fast-paced learning.  The activities are short and keep you interested.
I found the course materials to be interesting and varied. They provided a consistent message - importance of self esteem - through a variety of media and resources. Worthwhile course for teachers at all levels.
The class was a great fit into a busy schedule, especially summer. Convenient, interesting, educational and fun to look and respond to posts!


It was a very informative class and I will take another


Moodle Course: I love that I was able to learn about Moodles and technology in my classroom on my own time and at my own pace. I also appreciate the near immediate email feedback Josh provided whenever I had a question. When getting started, I had a few panicky moments since this was my first online course in years, and he set my mind at ease!

"Learned so much! Thanks."

Laura Adams


I thought this class was was easy to navigate and the lessons were explained well. The class taught me a lot about self-esteem in students and how to help students become more confident. It also opened my eyes more to cyberbullying and how cruel kids can be. I thought the course was very convienent because I could work at my own pace from the comfort of my own home. Josh was very helpful in answering questions when I had any and the course was very relaxed and almost stress free (I stress about everything though, not matter how simple). I would def. take a class from Josh again using the moodle site.
This class was great in allowing me to see what was all out there in the digital community.  I learned a lot about what and how students learn and helped to change my ideas about technology and learning!