Sunday, 5 May 2024, 12:23 PM

Site: Helping Educators Earn Credits in the Comfort and Privacy of Their Own Homes
Course: Helping Educators Earn Credits in the Comfort and Privacy of Their Own Homes (CPE Associates/Josh Stein Online)
Glossary: Add a Testimonial About These Classes
I really enjoyed everything that I learned in this class. You'll discover ways to not only help your students but also help yourself become a better person. Then it'll be easier to help your students become excelling young adults. The course is set up well and gives you many good resources to use. All in all, this is a good course and you will not be disappointed.
I found the course materials to be interesting and varied. They provided a consistent message - importance of self esteem - through a variety of media and resources. Worthwhile course for teachers at all levels.

It was great working at my pace and could work around my schedule. I would definately take another class.

Kathy Wood

I thought this class was was easy to navigate and the lessons were explained well. The class taught me a lot about self-esteem in students and how to help students become more confident. It also opened my eyes more to cyberbullying and how cruel kids can be. I thought the course was very convienent because I could work at my own pace from the comfort of my own home. Josh was very helpful in answering questions when I had any and the course was very relaxed and almost stress free (I stress about everything though, not matter how simple). I would def. take a class from Josh again using the moodle site.

You will leave this class with a wealth of information on self-esteem and bullying that is relevant to students at any grade level.  The class can easily fit into a busy schedule and allows you to work at your own pace. 

This course was interesting. It provided many new resources.

The websites and the forums are wonderful resources to store, and share with colleagues.  Great way to take a course that can help any teacher reach every student and give them a positive attitude and self confidence.


Great course. This class brought to light a lot of issues that teachers need to be aware of, but is not prevalent enough in teacher preparation. Thank you!
This class is not only very interesting, its extremely important to educators! Anyone who takes this class is going to be capable of implementing activities and instruction in the classroom that will help students be emotionally stronger, and have a more positive self-esteem. I highly recommend it!  
I needed something to push me into the 21st century, and this course reviewed the basics in setting the stage for using the technology as well as clearly and patiently giving the resources for developing a moodle. I never thought I had the skill or technological intelligence to develop a moodle, but sure enough I now have one up and running! In the meantime I have had some good thoughts and revelations about how I want my classes to run. Thank you!