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Thanks for the reminder emails Josh!

1. I like the variety of the materials used: the book we are reading, the notes from the instructor, & the different media clips.
I also like that the class is offered online, so that I can work at my own pace from the comfort of my own home. While I appreciate this opportunity, I am finding it challenging, this is my first online class, & I have a 17 month old, I have been finding it a challenge to find time when I can concentrate without having to care for him & at night, I am exhausted when he finally goes to sleep!!

2 & 3. I have recommended the class to colleagues. I have told them that I am learning a lot, it's offered online, the topic is interesting & relevant to our work.
It have really been timely material for me as I am reflecting on how self-esteem, & change, & optimism work in my own life & with my relationships with my family members.
I also was just involved in a car accident this week, I was hit on my way home from work, & I noticed that I was able to handle the incident a lot better than I might have in the past. I am grateful that I wasn't seriously hurt, & that my son wasn't with me, but instead of going over & over what could have happened & why did this happen to me, I remembered what you had said Josh about we all go through things, we all get a flat tire, etc..., it's how we look at what happened, our responses.
So, thank you!

Jen Mosher
I strongly recommend this course to anyone who is interested in incorporating more technology into their classroom.  I just finished this course and I am anxious to apply my Moodle in my own classroom for this upcoming school year.  The instuctor is very knowledgable, helpful, and readily available to troubleshoot and answer questions if necessary.  Sign up and enjoy the ride!  It is worth it!
Meredith Carrier
"I enjoyed taking the class and learned a lot.  I liked not having to drive to a specific location and having to work on things at a specific time.  I took this as a summer course and it fit my hectic schedule perfectly.  Thanks so much for being accommodating and flexible."

Thanks for all you help and input!

Celeste Ball
It was a very informative class and I will take another
Great class - has a lot of great ideas for incorporating technology into your teaching method! Definitely something I'll be using in my class.
~Dustin Shirk
Moodle Course
I'm both a teacher and an instructional designer. I can honestly say the Moodle course enhanced my skillsets in both professions! It was very informative and fun at the same time. That's exactly what a good course should offer. This was the second course I took with Josh and I will continue to take more courses. I highly recommend them.
A great way for working professionals to earn credits while balancing other aspects of daily life.

Great, convenient course. Instructor developed a well thought out unit. The instructor is very prompt to answer any questions. I will definitely take another course from him again.

A very relaxed atmosphere. Enjoyed the course.
It was great to earn 3 credits while creating a Moodle that can actually be used with students in the classroom and from home!
This class is a great way to help you learn how to create a Moodle on your own time!  The course is especially great for older students (high school, middle school, and upper elementary school).  You can still learn a lot no matter what grade level you teach, though.
I have never taken an on-line course before.  I was hesitant about the unstructed environment and the work load of the course.  But after taking the course I would highly recommend any course given by Josh Stein.  The videos, lectures, assignments, and readings are all very relivent to today's education and for today's educators. I feel that I learned a great deal about teaching today's  students. 
This class was great in allowing me to see what was all out there in the digital community.  I learned a lot about what and how students learn and helped to change my ideas about technology and learning! 
This class is valuable for educators at any grade level!
It is great being able to take these courses online at your convenience. It is nice to be able to work at your own pace either working ahead or taking it slowly.
I enjoyed the flexibility of the self-esteem course.  Being able to work from home at your own pace and on your own time is really nice.  I've compiled lots of valuable resources to use with my students in the future.
This was my first moodle course. It was a great way to get 3 credits! My favorite part was the forums. It was nice to engage in conversation with professionals from various districts.
Moodle Course: I love that I was able to learn about Moodles and technology in my classroom on my own time and at my own pace. I also appreciate the near immediate email feedback Josh provided whenever I had a question. When getting started, I had a few panicky moments since this was my first online course in years, and he set my mind at ease!
Challenging for someone not so tech savvy like myself, but well worth the rigor. Moodle is a cool platform that can enhance you class...and it's free.
I really learned alot from this class and it will all be put to great use this fall as we are required to use Moodle with our classes.  Josh is an excellent instructor - always helpful and easy to get in touch with at any time.  I put alt into this class and in turn got alot out of it - Thanks Josh! I look forward to taking another class soon.
I was very satisfied with my end results.  I am happy to leave the course with a Moodle ready to implement into my classes this fall.
What a great way to earn three credits!
This was a good class to introduce you to moodle and was clear enought that by the time the class was over I had my own moodle set up.  I plan on taking some more online courses next summer.
This course gives you a great overall view of the main types of technology that you can use with your students.  Great class!
I have been taking the online class, "Building Self-Esteem in the Classroom to Achieve Success, Beat Bullying, and to Foster a Positive Learning Environment."  I decided to take this particular class because the subject matter is extremely relevant in today's classroom setting, plus I thought it would be a great learning tool for helping to better mangage my students in the Kindergarten classroom. The most important message I've learned from the articles, videos and book I read, "Six Pillars of Self-Esteem", is that when children have a positive self-esteem at an early age, there are significant benefits.  These benefits include more achievement, physically healthy, peaceful, high productivity, less aggression, and overall increase in well-being.  As a classroom teacher and a role model, it is my responsibility to foster these strengths in my classroom, and, at the same time, work on building up my own self-esteem. As Tony Robbins said in the video, we all need to work on our "emotional fitness" in order to cope in today's world.  I would highly recommend this class for any teacher or educator who needs guidance and inspiration from self-esteem experts, to help deal with students and prevent bullying in their classroom.      
This is a great course that really gets you thinking! This course proved how important a teacher really is and how much influence you can have on your students.
I found this course  be very worthwhile.  You do it on your inyour own time and ot os filled with alot of useful information.
I have learned a lot about how to create Moodles. I look forward to implementing this with my students this year.

Great course!  I have a better understanding of self-esteem and bullying now. I am excited to use my new knowledge and resources with my students!

I needed something to push me into the 21st century, and this course reviewed the basics in setting the stage for using the technology as well as clearly and patiently giving the resources for developing a moodle. I never thought I had the skill or technological intelligence to develop a moodle, but sure enough I now have one up and running! In the meantime I have had some good thoughts and revelations about how I want my classes to run. Thank you!
This class is not only very interesting, its extremely important to educators! Anyone who takes this class is going to be capable of implementing activities and instruction in the classroom that will help students be emotionally stronger, and have a more positive self-esteem. I highly recommend it!  
Great course. This class brought to light a lot of issues that teachers need to be aware of, but is not prevalent enough in teacher preparation. Thank you!

The websites and the forums are wonderful resources to store, and share with colleagues.  Great way to take a course that can help any teacher reach every student and give them a positive attitude and self confidence.


This course was interesting. It provided many new resources.

You will leave this class with a wealth of information on self-esteem and bullying that is relevant to students at any grade level.  The class can easily fit into a busy schedule and allows you to work at your own pace. 

I thought this class was was easy to navigate and the lessons were explained well. The class taught me a lot about self-esteem in students and how to help students become more confident. It also opened my eyes more to cyberbullying and how cruel kids can be. I thought the course was very convienent because I could work at my own pace from the comfort of my own home. Josh was very helpful in answering questions when I had any and the course was very relaxed and almost stress free (I stress about everything though, not matter how simple). I would def. take a class from Josh again using the moodle site.

It was great working at my pace and could work around my schedule. I would definately take another class.

Kathy Wood

I found the course materials to be interesting and varied. They provided a consistent message - importance of self esteem - through a variety of media and resources. Worthwhile course for teachers at all levels.
I really enjoyed everything that I learned in this class. You'll discover ways to not only help your students but also help yourself become a better person. Then it'll be easier to help your students become excelling young adults. The course is set up well and gives you many good resources to use. All in all, this is a good course and you will not be disappointed.
This was my second online course with Josh Stein as an instructor, and once again, I was very impressed.  The site was easy to navigate, the lessons and activities were well-organized, and I liked having the freedom to work at my own pace.  I learned so many things about bullying and self-esteem, and was able to take away a lot of great ideas to use in my own classroom.  I would definitely take one of these courses again, and will be recommending them to my colleagues.  Thank you!
Colleen Knarr
This class is great for someone who likes fast-paced learning.  The activities are short and keep you interested.
This was a very thought provoking course. Josh Stein was very quick with his replies and thoughful with his comments. When you finish this course you will have a variety of ideas to use in your classroom. I would recommend this course to other teachers and adults who work with children.
I really enjoyed this class! I learned so much that I can use next year! This is a really important issue that teachers should be aware of.
Wonderful class! I have tons of resources and ideas to implement in my classroom. Josh was great to work with--I appreciated his quick replies to my questions. I will take another class like this again!
The class was a great fit into a busy schedule, especially summer. Convenient, interesting, educational and fun to look and respond to posts!

"I enjoyed the class thoroughly!"

Carolyn Gardner


"Overall, I really enjoyed this course! It was a lot of work but it really pushed my thinking as an educator, and I learned a lot. Joshua Stein is an excellent instructor- he was easy to contact, always friendly and helpful, and this course was well planned and implemented. I truly enjoyed taking it!"

Colleen Knarr


"Learned so much! Thanks."

Laura Adams


"Great Class! I learned a lot and really appreciated Josh's  willingness to answer questions! He was extremely helpful. Thanks!"

Lori Maxfield

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